Gewässerkundlicher Dienst Bayern

Master data Br. uh Enterrottach

Site number: 11979
Community: Rottach-Egern
District: Miesbach
Operator: WWA Rosenheim

Body of water: Rottach
Catchment: --
Easting: 711147 (ETRS89 / UTM Zone 32N)
Northing: 5284197

Measurement site in these measurement networks:
  • state measurement sites

For the measurement site Br. uh Enterrottach at the moment no extended master data available.

Picture of the measurement site

Picture of the measurement site

Location of the station Br. uh Enterrottach / Rottach

Measuring points in the vicinity
Measurement siteCategory
SymbolLenggriesRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel, Water temperature, Water temperature
SymbolWalchenRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolSchmeroldRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolValleyRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolOberachRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel, Water temperature, Water temperature
SymbolBad KreuthRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolBad WiesseeRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel, Water temperature, Water temperature
SymbolErbRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolBeyhartingRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolBad AiblingRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolBad FeilnbachRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolBad FeilnbachRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolAu b. Bad AiblingRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel, Water temperature, Water temperature
SymbolFeldollingRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel, Water temperature, Water temperature
SymbolBad WiesseeRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolMiesbachRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel, Water temperature, Water temperature
SymbolStaudenRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel, Water temperature, Water temperature
SymbolRottachRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolLenggriesRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolGaißachRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolBad Aibling Willinger BrückeRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel, Water temperature, Water temperature
SymbolBad TölzRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolBad Aibling QRivers: Runoff
SymbolBad AiblingRivers: Waterlevel
SymbolBayerwaldRivers: Waterlevel
SymbolSt. QuirinLakes: Waterlevel
SymbolSchlierseeLakes: Waterlevel, Water temperature, Water temperature
SymbolGmund_TegernseeLakes: Water temperature, Water temperature
SymbolTiefste Stelle, SüdbeckenLakes: Chemistry, Biology
SymbolTiefste StelleLakes: Chemistry, Biology
SymbolTiefste StelleLakes: Chemistry, Biology
Symboluh. TriftbachRivers: Chemistry, Biology
Symboloh MdgRivers: Chemistry, Biology
SymbolPegel OberachRivers: Chemistry
SymbolBruecke oh. MuendungRivers: Chemistry
SymbolBr. uh EnterrottachRivers: Chemistry, Biology
SymbolUnt. Br. MariensteinRivers: Chemistry, Biology
Symboluh. Ausleitung, werkkanal berghamRivers: Chemistry
SymbolFurth nach DettendorfRivers: Chemistry
Symboloh. StraßenbrückeRivers: Chemistry, Biology
Symboloh Sylvensteinspeicher / PegelRivers: Chemistry, Biology
Symbol03_Einmündung in KaltenRivers: Chemistry
Symbol04_Br.MietrachingRivers: Chemistry
Symbol01_Ausleitung Tegernsee-Br.GmundRivers: Chemistry
Symboloh Mdg in die Isar; oh B13Rivers: Chemistry
SymbolLeitzach AchauRivers: Chemistry
SymbolBr. uh WillingRivers: Chemistry
SymbolBr. Geitau (B307)Rivers: Chemistry, Biology
Symboluh. SchlipfgrubalmRivers: Chemistry, Biology
Symboloh. GeschiebesperreRivers: Chemistry, Biology
Symbol200m oh. Br. MühltalRivers: Chemistry, Biology
SymbolPegel Bad AiblingRivers: Chemistry
Symbol05_Bad AiblingRivers: Chemistry
SymbolMündung TegernseeRivers: Chemistry
SymbolBr. Erb (Pegel)Rivers: Chemistry
SymbolBr. LeitzachRivers: Chemistry
Symbolsuedlich Greiling; Br oh MdgRivers: Chemistry, Biology
SymbolBr. FestenbachRivers: Chemistry, Biology
SymbolBR OH BAHN AGATHARIEDRivers: Chemistry
Symbol02_200m oberhalb Einl. BirzleRivers: Chemistry, Biology
SymbolBrücke PelletsmühleRivers: Chemistry
Symboloberhalb SchullandheimRivers: Chemistry, Biology
Symboloh. Forsthütte ValeppRivers: Chemistry, Biology
Symboluh. Brücke FentbachRivers: Chemistry, Biology
Symboluh. Brücke BrandstattRivers: Chemistry, Biology
Symbol200m oh. Brücke FeldollingRivers: Chemistry, Biology
SymbolBr ObersteinbachRivers: Biology
Symbolwestl Untergries; Fkm 204,8Rivers: Biology
Symbol50m oh SchwarzenbachRivers: Biology
Symbol250 m oh. Brücke Heufeld-WesterhamRivers: Biology
Symboloh. Br. MietrachingRivers: Biology
Symboloh. Brücke ForsthütteRivers: Biology
Symbol800m uh OberstaudhausenRivers: Biology
Symboloh. Brücke DrachenthalRivers: Biology
SymbolBr. UnterheufeldmühleRivers: Biology
Symbol500 m uh. A8Rivers: Biology
Symbol300m uh. Sägewerk BabenbergRivers: Biology
Symboluh. Brücke HölzlRivers: Biology
SymbolTransekt 1 nördl. Ostufer, südl. WasserwachtLakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 2 Ostufer, südl. BootshausLakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 3 südl. Ostufer uh. B 307Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 4 Südende, FischhausenLakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 5 Insel Wörth, SüdostuferLakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 6 Westufer mittigLakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 7 nördl. Westufer, südl. von Schwimmbad Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 8 Gem. Schliersee, ca 50m östl SchiffsstegLakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 1Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 2Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 3Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 4Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 5Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 6Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 7Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 8Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 9Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 10Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 11Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 12Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 13Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 14Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 1Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 2Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 3Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 4Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 5Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 6Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 8Lakes: Biology
SymbolWIECHS R 3Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolSTADT KOLBERMOOR 15AGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolAm Gries B2GGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolHOLZKIRCHENGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolSCHLARBHOFEN 16Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolWAITH R 4Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolMIETRACHING R 13Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolWEIDACH R 20Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolBERBLING R 21Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolORTHOFEN R 23Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolHOEGLING R 24Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolMARKFELD R 26Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolADLFURT R 27Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolMAXLRAIN R 30Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolHINRICHSSEGEN R 31Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolUNT.-HEUFELD R 32Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolFELDOLLING R 34Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolVAGEN/MANGFALL R 35Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolHOEGLING R 41Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolOBERADLFURT R 42Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolBERBLING R 45Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolSUED.WILLINGERAU R 46Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolGOETTING MANGF. 50Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolBRUCKMUEHL U.STR. 51Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolBAD AIBLING R 28Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolTHUERHAM/AIBLING R 43Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolBAUHOF BAD AIB. KO 37Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolKUTTERLINGERWEG KO 38Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolBLUMENSTRASSE KO 39AGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolFORSTSTRASSE KO 40Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolST. 2078 ARMCO KO 41Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolBRUECKENWIRT KO 42Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolSPINNEREI KO 43Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolBAYRISCHZELL BO.bGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolBAYRISCHZELL BO.AGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolBAYRISCHZELL BO.BGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolGM1 SCHWIMMBAD KOGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolGM2 ZUGSPITZSTRASSE KOGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolGM3 AIBLINGERAU 3Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolGM 4 AIBLINGERAU 26Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolKläranlage Feldkirchen Westerham 07Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolPumpstation Feldolling B6GGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolUnterwasserbecken Leitzachwerke 02Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolAm Gries B1GGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolAm Gries B3GGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolAm Gries B4GGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolAm Gries B5GGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolG1 HRB FeldollingGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolG3 HRB FeldollingGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolG6 HRB FeldollingGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolG10 HRB FeldollingGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolG12 HRB FeldollingGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolG17 HRB FeldollingGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolG18 HRB FeldollingGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolG19 HRB FeldollingGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolG20 HRB FeldollingGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolG21 HRB FeldollingGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolG22 HRB FeldollingGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolG23 HRB FeldollingGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolB1V Vagener AuGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolB2V Vagener AuGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolB3V Vagener AuGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolB6V Vagener AuGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolKühzägl, ehem Hausmülldepnie, Deponie 1Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolG5 HRB FeldollingGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolG9 HRB FeldollingGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolG11 HRB FeldollingGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolG13 HRB FeldollingGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolGw 1 SchwaigGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolGw 2 Feldkirchener StraßeGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolGw 4 Aiblinger StraßeGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolGw 5 AhornalleeGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolGw 6 Schule FeldkirchenGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolGw 7 Sportplatz VagenGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolGw 8 Leitzachkraftwerk OstGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolEnterrottach 1Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolHaslau 2Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolHaslau 1Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolKalkofen 1Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolHaslau 3Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolKalkofen 3AGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolHagrain-Hafelbach 1Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolAM WALDRAND 1 KO 46Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolBAD AIBLING TRIFTB._52AGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolWEIHENLINDEN R 11AGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolWESTERHAM R 15Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolWINKL KLAFFENB. 246A2Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolWESTERHAM,SUEDL. R 7Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolWILLINGERAU R44BGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolWALDHEIM R 25Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolWILLING TANNENW.10 49Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolRIED R 37Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolHEUFELD R 38Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolHEUFELD R 12Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolG27 HRB FeldollingGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolG30 HRB FeldollingGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolG31 HRB FeldollingGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolG28 HRB FeldollingGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolG29 HRB FeldollingGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolG25 HRB FeldollingGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolG24 HRB FeldollingGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolHammer Gw2 (BK4)Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolHammer Gw1 (BK2)Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolG33 HRB Feldolling BK60Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolG26 HRB FeldollingGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolV2 VagenGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolV5 VagenGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolV3 VagenGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolV1 VagenGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolFeldolling P4Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolV4 VagenGroundwater: Upper groundwater layer
SymbolWildbad Kreuth GwM 1Groundwater: Upper groundwater layer
Symbol4120823500181Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol4110823500029Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol1131833300108Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol4120823600020Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol1131833800041Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol4110823700067Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol4120833700005Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol4110823600004Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol1131823600125Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol4110813600001Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol4120823700027Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol4120833600013Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol4120813600039Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol1131813700028Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol1131813700022Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol1131813700032Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol4110823700021Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol4120813700012Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol4120803700030Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol1131813800204Groundwater: Chemistry
SymbolFeilnbach, BadMeteorology: Precipitation, Snow
SymbolMiesbach (Kläranlage)Meteorology: Precipitation, Snow
SymbolAchenkirch/ÖsterreichMeteorology: Precipitation
SymbolWettlkamMeteorology: Precipitation, Wind, Air temperatur, Air moisture, Global radiation
SymbolOtterfingMeteorology: Precipitation, Wind, Air temperatur, Air moisture, Global radiation
SymbolKreuthMeteorology: Precipitation, Snow, Wind, Air temperatur, Air moisture, Air pressure, Global radiation
SymbolLenggries - SeekaralmMeteorology: Precipitation, Snow, Wind, Air temperatur, Air moisture, Air pressure
SymbolSpitzingsee Freiland 1Meteorology: Snow, Air temperatur, Air moisture, Global radiation
SymbolBad Tölz (Straßenmeisterei)Meteorology: Snow
SymbolHausham (Straßenmeisterei)Meteorology: Snow
SymbolBrecherspitzeMeteorology: Wind, Air temperatur, Air moisture