Gewässerkundlicher Dienst Bayern

Master data 4120674400013

Site number: 4120674400013
Community: Neukirchen b.Hl.Blut
District: Cham
Operator: WWA Regensburg

Aquifer: Grundgebirge
Measurement site depth under ground: --
Ground level [mNN]: 760.00
Measuring point height [mNN]: --

Groundwaterbody name: Kristallin - Cham
Groundwaterbody code: 1_G080

Measurement site currently in these measurement networks:

  • WFD measuring network
  • entire measuring network
  • 2nd management plan (chemical measuring)
  • 3rd management plan (chemical measuring)
  • measuring network for implementing the German fertilizer regulation (DüV §13 a) - 2021
  • measuring network for implementing the German fertilizer regulation (DüV §13 a) - 2022

Location of the station 4120674400013

Measuring points in the vicinity
Measurement siteCategory
SymbolZwieselRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolSägmühleRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolViechtach ReibenmühleRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolZwieselRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel, Water temperature, Water temperature
SymbolLohbergRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolKötztingRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolGogl-MühleRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolFurth im WaldRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolLemingRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolÖsbühlRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolTeisnachRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel, Water temperature, Water temperature
SymbolLohmannmühleRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolTeisnachRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolDieberg Rivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolDrachensee SpeicherabflussRivers: Runoff, Waterlevel
SymbolEschlkam QRivers: Runoff
SymbolPullingRivers: Waterlevel, Water temperature, Water temperature
SymbolEschlkamRivers: Waterlevel
SymbolDrachensee SeepegelLakes: Waterlevel
SymbolStau WK Stadt ZwieselRivers: Chemistry
SymbolTEISNACH PEGELRivers: Chemistry
SymbolRUGENMUEHLERivers: Chemistry
SymbolSteg_oh MdgRivers: Chemistry
Symboluh. Strbr._uh. DeponieRivers: Chemistry
SymbolPegel ReibenmühleRivers: Chemistry
SymbolTiefste Stelle, vor StaumauerLakes: Chemistry, Biology
SymbolLudwigsthal-BhfRivers: Chemistry, Biology
SymbolTeisnach PegelRivers: Chemistry
Symbol100 m vor Grenzuebertritt CZRivers: Chemistry, Biology
Symboloh Schönbach 720 üNNRivers: Chemistry, Biology
Symbolvor Mdg. See, rechter ZulaufRivers: Chemistry
Symbolvor Mdg. See, linker ZulaufRivers: Chemistry
SymbolHammermühlRivers: Chemistry, Biology
SymbolBrücke nach SchönauRivers: Chemistry, Biology
Symbolbei PfahlRivers: Chemistry, Biology
SymbolStrbr. uh. MooshütteRivers: Chemistry, Biology
SymbolAblauf Kl. ArberseeRivers: Chemistry, Biology
SymbolStrbr. KötztingRivers: Chemistry
SymbolStrbr. oh. Mdg.Rivers: Chemistry
SymbolPegel GoglmühleRivers: Chemistry
SymbolStrbr. Eschelkam - KleinaignRivers: Chemistry
Symboluh. KA EschlkamRivers: Chemistry
SymbolOH FURTH_ORTSANFANGRivers: Chemistry
SymbolSeemitteLakes: Chemistry, Biology
Symboluh MeindlgrubRivers: Chemistry, Biology
SymbolTeisnach-SportplatzRivers: Biology
SymbolKM 6.0 - oh. Bad KötztingRivers: Biology
SymbolStrbr. WeißenholzRivers: Biology
Symboluh. Grenze - uh. Mdg. AusleitungRivers: Biology
SymbolStachesrieder HolzRivers: Biology
SymbolStrbr. uh. KleinaignRivers: Biology
Symboloh. KA EschlkamRivers: Biology
Symbol500m uh. RappendorfRivers: Biology
SymbolWegbr. FrahelsRivers: Biology
Symboloh. ÄpfletRivers: Biology
SymbolTransekt 1Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 2Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 3Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 4Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 5Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 6Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 7Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 8Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 1Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 2Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 3Lakes: Biology
SymbolTransekt 4Lakes: Biology
SymbolHohenwarth 14/2Groundwater: Flow of well, Temperature of springs
Symbol4120684400089Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol4110694400007Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol4120684300093Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol4120694200049Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol1132664300022Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol4120684300047Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol4120684400017Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol1132674300177Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol4120674400013Groundwater: Chemistry
Symbol4120674300036Groundwater: Chemistry
SymbolTeisnachMeteorology: Precipitation, Snow
SymbolNeukirchen bei Heiligen BlutMeteorology: Precipitation, Snow
SymbolEschlkamMeteorology: Precipitation, Wind, Air temperatur, Air moisture, Global radiation
SymbolZwiesel (Straßenmeisterei)Meteorology: Snow
SymbolBad Kötzting (Straßenmeisterei)Meteorology: Snow
SymbolBodenmaisMeteorology: Snow